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Chaga Mushroom Extract

The Mushroomist
The Mushroomist Chaga Mushroom Extract The Mushroomist Chaga Mushroom Extract The Mushroomist Chaga Mushroom Extract The Mushroomist Chaga Mushroom Extract
The Mushroomist Chaga Mushroom Extract The Mushroomist Chaga Mushroom Extract The Mushroomist Chaga Mushroom Extract The Mushroomist Chaga Mushroom Extract

Chaga is harvested with the utmost care in the forests of Finland. The Mushroomist pays a lot of attention to sustainability and developed this powerful extract with respect for nature. This full spectrum extract contains all active ingredients from chaga, including vitamins, minerals, phenols and enzymes and of course powerful antioxidants, which help slow down the aging process.

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€ 59,00
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More about Chaga Mushroom Extract

The diamond of the forest', 'The king of herbs', 'The gift of nature', are names that the Aino people from East Asia attribute to this medicinal mushroom. They have been using chaga for at least 600 years, possibly even thousands of years. In ancient texts you can read about the beautiful properties of this special mushroom. For example, there is much talk of the health-promoting effect, its healing power and unique composition of active ingredients. The Chaga mushroom has long been used as an adaptogen, so the body can better protect itself against diseases, stress and serious disorders. Properties that are further attributed to chaga are antiparisitic, anti-mutagenic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. chaga is carefully selected by The Mushroomist in the forests in Finland. For example, there is full control over obtaining healthy and mature chaga specimens full of antioxidants and other active ingredients. Immediately after harvesting, three different extraction methods are applied, so that all active ingredients are retained. All this is done exclusively with the help of high-tech methods based on traditional techniques. The extracts are only flavoured with maple syrup. The extract also contains vitamins, minerals, phenols and enzymes and of course powerful antioxidants, which help slow down the aging process.
The active ingredients in chaga have a high ORAC content (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), contain a lot of SOD (superoxidismutase) and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Currently, chaga is used in research into the following health problems: weakened and compromised immune systems,  muscle and joint problems,  digestive disorders, mental disorders and memory disorders.

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