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Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a small tree found in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Throughout the region, it has been used for centuries as both a recreational drug and a traditional medicine because of its stimulant and narcotic effects. The leaves are chewed or drunk as tea to improve mood, reduce pain and increase physical endurance.

Kratom leaves, depending on the dosage, can produce both stimulating and narcotic effects.

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5-15 grams.
€ 5,65 Available from stock
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More about Kratom

Kratom contains a series of active ingredients of which mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are for the most part responsible for the psychoactive effects.
Typical of Kratom is its double effect, which stimulates and relaxes at the same time.
As a traditional medicine, Kratom is used for anxiety, coughing, depression, diabetes, diarrhoea, high blood pressure, pain, to improve sexual performance and to reduce the withdrawal symptoms of opiates.
Kratom binds to the same receptors as opiates. It is not an opiate itself, but has similar properties (antagonist) and suppresses pain and anxiety. Chocolate, coffee, sports and even breast milk work in a similar way as kratom on these receptors. 


Kratom is usually made into tea or taken by chewing the leaves.


The effect of Kratom is described as chewing coca leaves while smoking opium, most people experience it as both invigorating and relaxing. Many users report more energy, better focus and more stamina. It improves mood and encourages physical activity and social contact. In higher doses, however, Kratom has a very narcotic effect and the effects tend more to a deeply relaxing, dreamy state. The effects are usually experienced after 5-10 minutes and can last for several hours, depending on the dosage and your sensitivity.


Take 5 grams for an uplifting effect, or 10-15 for a more relaxing tea.


In traditional use, the fresh leaves are chewed. Dried, the leaves are processed into tea, or ground into powder.


Kratom can have a strong narcotic effect and influence reaction, so don't drive motorized vehicles under the influence of Kratom and don't participate in traffic.

Kratom is a harmless plant when used properly, but with regular use tolerance and dependence can develop. If you notice that you need Kratom more frequently, and have to take increasingly more to achieve the same effect, it is wise to insert a break in your use.

Kratom suppresses digestion, causing many to experience dry mouth, reduced appetite and constipation. With prolonged use, weight loss, insomnia and skin discoloration can occur, heavy users often develop a grayish hue, especially in the face.

Although there is virtually no information on the effects of Kratom on the development of a child, we strongly discourage its use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Do not combine Kratom with MAO-i's. 

Scientific name

Mytragina speciosa

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Kratom € 5,65
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