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FreshUp Microdosing

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FreshUp FreshUp Microdosing FreshUp FreshUp Microdosing
FreshUp FreshUp Microdosing FreshUp FreshUp Microdosing

Do you want to enter into the microdosing adventure legally, safely and without a hassle? At you will find fresh, unprocessed magic truffles (sclerotia). We carefully selected the magic truffle that is of all kinds the most stable and suitable for the purpose of microdosing. 1 gram FreshUp magic truffles contains exactly the recommended amount (1-2 mg) psylocibin for microdosing.

FreshUp magic truffles for microdosing can be dosed most accurately (1 gram) using the FreshUp Microdosing Starterkit, which contains a digital precision scale (0.01–100 gr) and a sterile scalpel for a pleasant price.

We keep them cool, you get them fresh! 
We consciously choose not to vacuum pack our magic truffles. As a result, the magic truffles in our Freshboxes remain a living product, which retains all its potency. To keep them fresh, we send them chilled. Shipments to addresses in the Netherlands: If you want to have the truffles before the weekend, order them before Thursday 16:00 p.m. at the latest. If something goes wrong with the delivery, our customer service is still available on Friday during our office hours to solve the problem. Shipments to addresses in EU countries: To maintain freshness, ordering magic truffles between Saturday and Wednesday before 16.00 p.m. is necessary. This way you can be sure you will have the truffles before the weekend and they have not been travelling too long. From December to February, we ship truffles to addresses in EU countries from Monday to Friday. From March to November, we ship truffles to addresses in EU countries from Monday to Wednesday. Our magic truffles are sent stealth (without a label and nothing else in the shipping box), so we know for sure that they will arrive at you. Because of this you will receive an email with the instructions after your order.

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1 gram fresh sclerotia (contains 1 to 2 mg psilocybin)
10 grams = 10 doses of 1 gram - 20 doses of 0.5 grams
Shelf life
It is better to keep fresh magic truffles in the fridge until you consume them. There is a "best before" date on the bottom of the boxes, but if you keep them refrigerated, they will often last much longer than that date. If you keep them for a long time, or you keep them outside the fridge (which we really don't recommend, also because of hygiene), then the smell of apple vinegar or the obvious softness of the truffles is a sign that they are no longer good and you should therefore not consume them anymore. By the way: in the case of the brand Freshbox, the truffles are still alive. To let them keep their optimal potency, they are not sliced and vacuum packed, and therefore not killed, as most other brands do with their truffles. Living truffles continue to fulfil their function for which they exist in nature: produce new mycelium. You can recognise this when a layer of "white wool" becomes visible. This is not a fungus and not a sign that they are no longer good; on the contrary, this is a sign that they are alive and kicking! If you rattle the box, the layer disappears again. We wish you all wonderful experiences with the magic truffles from Freshbox!
€ 15,00 Available from stock
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Mo. to Fr. ordered before 16:00 …within The Netherlands delivered tomorrow 1-3 working days* in the rest of Europe

More about FreshUp Microdosing

The name R. Gordon Wasson and Valentina Pawlowna might ring a bell with you. They were the westerners who rediscovered the use of the psilocybe mushroom in South America (50's) and participated in a ceremony (Velada). After research it soon became clear that these magic mushrooms did not only grow in the Amazon area, but also with the help of a grow kit, just at home! There appeared to be a number of mushrooms in which sclerotia formed underground. Especially the Psilocybe cubensis (cultivated on manure) and the Psilocybe mexicana (cultivated on compost) lent themselves well for this.

Easy microdosing with sclerotia

Do you want to start microdosing? What you should keep in mind is that a product from Mother Nature can vary a lot. A small mushroom can contain a much higher concentration of psychoactive substances than a specimen that weighs a lot more. To make sure you get the same amount each time, you will have to dry your mushrooms (this is illegal in the Netherlands), grind them into powder and pack them in capsules. 

Sclerotia, or truffles, are small underground 'tubers' of dense mass, which also contain the psychoactive substance psilocybin (and minute amounts of psilocyne). Fortunately, research has shown that sclerotia contains very constant concentrations of psilocybin. 1 gram of fresh truffles is 1 to 2 mg of psilocybin, exactly the dose that the pharmaceutical-chemical company Sandoz took when it made tablets for scientific research. If you want to start microdosing legally and safely, using magic truffles is by far the best method. No hassle with fluctuating amounts of active ingredients, very easy to use and preserved in the fridge for a long time without losing their quality.

Always the right dose

We went in search of the sclerotia that is most stable and suitable for microdosing of all kinds. This way you will always get exactly the right amount of microdosage and you can start your 'normal' day perfectly. Of course you don't want to be on the train on your way to work and realize that you see some visuals. With 1 gram of fresh sclerotia this is excluded. At the right dosage, the positive characteristics can be noticed very quickly.

Attention: Especially with extra sensitivity it is recommended to start with 0.5 grams of FreshUp Microdosing Truffles on a day without obligations. See how you react to this and increase if necessary the dose to the recommended 1 gram at the next microdose day.

Be sure to take a look at our blog about Psilocybin and Lion's Mane: Healthy brain.


In the morning on a empty stomach. Chew for as long as possible. Do not eat preferably for up to 1 hour afterwards.


Magic Truffles


  • Positive influence on competitiveness
  • Being in the Here and Now
  • Work/Study improves
  • Problem solving thinking runs smoother
  • More energy
  • Better sleep
  • Sharpened senses
  • Improvement in mood
  • less mood swings
  • Breaking addiction patterns
  • Decrease in depressive feelings
  • Feeling of connectedness
  • Feeling love for yourself and others
  • Making more conscious choices, a.o. about health, lifestyle, etc.
  • Greater sense of gratitude for life

Important Information:

  • The fresh sclerotia are a consumer good in the sense of the Dutch Commodities Act.
  • The product is fresh and unprocessed and may not be processed according to the law.
  • Use is entirely at your own risk. In case of doubt, always consult a doctor or specialist. 
  • In case of mental health problems, use is strongly discouraged!
  • Never at the same time consume alcohol and/or other substances, such as MAO-inhibitors and/or anti-depressants!
  • Keep out of reach of children! No sales allowed to persons under 18 years!
  • Check if magic truffles are legal in your country, before considering taking this product across the border!
  • Content: Fresh and unprocessed Sclerotia.
  • Net weight : see weight indication. 
  • Shelf Life: Best Before (if kept cool at 3 °C - 4 °C): see back of the packaging.

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FreshUp Microdosing € 15,00
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