Interview: Microdosing with Magic Truffles and body acceptance: peace with your body!
How do you feel in your body? Many people find it difficult to answer this question. “Feeling” can be scary. You’re used to running away from what is there and hide in an addiction such as: eating a lot, working, gaming or drinking. Yet allowing yourself to feel what is happening inside you is very important and healing. Microdosing with Magic Truffles can be an important tool to get a healthy relationship with your body and your feelings. You can read more about it in this interview with John.
It is a warm, sunny day and I decided to conduct this interview in the apartment of my good friend John. We first sit outside on the balcony, where I take two beers out of my bag. I'm in the mood for that! A little relaxation after a long strenuous day of work as a volunteer on an organic farm where I went to help out for a day.
The interview
John, how long have you been microdosing now?
About two weeks. I take the dose rather intuitively. I usually leave a few days between the next dose. Sometimes I take some higher doses, up to 3 grams. Then I can't really speak of a microdose anymore, because I do notice that I am under the influence.
I started off very low, with 0.5 grams. Then I built up to find my sweet spot.
How are you doing? Can you tell me something about how you're feeling right now?
I actually feel very good in my body. Since I started microdosing I have been experiencing my physical body very differently. Especially on the day I microdose, I'm much more aware of the sensations going through my body. It is much more natural to enjoy small things.
Finally I feel good about myself. When I look in the mirror, I accept what I see and am even happy with it! As opposed to tearing down and criticizing my appearance, which has become a habit over the years.
When I have a microdose I feel much more aware of myself. Sensual. Everything feels finer and a deep inner peace of self-acceptance. This is quite ground-breaking for me, that I am experiencing this. Suddenly it's very much about body awareness and self-acceptance. Everything suddenly becomes simple. Drama is a far cry from my bedside show.
Wow, that sounds so good. I totally recognize myself in what you're talking about. It's so nice to come to that realization and really feel it deep inside. Then comes every new day to keep reminding yourself of this.
Exactly! The psilocybin from the Magic Truffles make me feel this over and over again. Understanding it cognitively is not enough, you have to feel it through to every cell of your body.
For the first time I feel the longing to be on a beach again and feel the sand between my toes. For years I have not dared to be seen by people in a swimsuit. Out of shame for what everyone would think about my body. Microdosing shows me what nonsense that is. I have nothing to be ashamed of.
There is a strong sense of acceptance, not only of myself, but also of the cosmos. The creative self that takes me as I am. And being content with what is!
Wonderful. Is there also a difference on a social level, in contact with others?
Yes. I notice that I am opening up more. Even in my apartment, all the curtains are open and I let in more fresh air and light. I have less of a tendency to isolate myself. I also feel a great need to share things with others, like this experience with psilocybin.
Are there other aspects of your life that microdosing has clearly impacted?
I have become aware that I smoke quite a lot of weed. In itself, this is not a bad thing and even works therapeutically. Microdosing does show me clearly that at times I smoke too much and that this is not working well for me.
With cannabis, you see the dark edges of existence. You become aware of the risks of life. Weed is still semi-illegal, all kinds of dirty things still happen in the production of weed. Would that have anything to do with it? Is that in the product? A batch of cannabis from the coffeeshop mixed with negative events. Growing your own cannabis or a nice 'deal' with someone creates a positive energy and gives a nice cannabis experience. I have no idea if this is true, mind you, it's a theory. But for me it often feels like that, that cannabis from the coffeeshop makes me go into a kind of darkness sooner than with homegrown cannabis.
You become more aware of what a substance is doing to you?
Also drinking this beer for example I experience differently. Like everything is a little more intense or something and I realize more how strong something can be. Microdosing also makes you more aware that being sober can be intense enough.
I hardly ever drink alcohol, I feel it's not good for me. I only like to have a drink with friends, but I prefer to smoke a joint. But if everyone is drinking beer and I'm stoned, the dynamic isn't quite right anymore. You really feel how the atmosphere is out of balance and I'm on a completely different level than the rest.
Recognizable. Alcohol and cannabis really don't go together in my opinion. Just like Magic Truffles and alcohol. You bring together two worlds that contradict each other: the alcohol brings you down and makes you less sensitive, while the psilocybin or cannabis actually makes you tremendously aware of higher levels in this existence.
Then I can also distinguish cannabis and psilocybin;
Weed has something soggy, like a swamp you can easily sink into, like quicksand.
Microdosing has something crisp, everything has something positive and there is more light.
With weed you are forgetful and this can make me insecure. Especially in social situations, it's sometimes uncomfortable when I'm too stoned.
Cannabis teaches me a lot about pain points in my life, which I can look at in a different way. I also learn to face my fears better, although sometimes this happens in a not so pleasant way.
With microdosing you don't forget half of what you think. You don't forget what you were doing two minutes ago. Everything is more clear to me and I'm much more in the here and now. The atmosphere during microdosing is soft and fine and so very clear and alert. And I experience my body much more.
Do you have any tips for people starting their microdosing adventure with Magic Truffles?
I would say: start with a very low dose, less than the standard dose. First see how you feel about this. Some people have such a sensitive system, they react to it immediately. For others it is necessary to build up the dose, maybe even higher than 1 gram (the recommended amount for 1 microdose).
The other day I had taken 3 grams of Magic Truffles and was actually slightly tripping. Then I realized again how intense such a trip experience can be. Incredibly informative but definitely not what I personally am looking for at the moment. This is different for everyone. Therefore listen carefully to yourself and have respect for the psychedelic. For a long time I didn't dare to trip because I was paranoid. I have the idea that microdosing has made me calmer on that level as well. So those 3 grams were intense, but also nice. An encounter with the psychedelic world can also be gradual. You don't have to take a large amount right away, then it can really overwhelm you.
John, thank you so much for your story. I think it's super cool to hear that you're doing so well. All the best on the rest of your path.
Thanks, I plan to continue microdosing for some time. I feel I can get even more out of it. Maybe I will take a break, because it is also important to stay sober for a while and see what happens.
Are you interested in microdosing with Magic Truffles from FreshUp?
The community of people microdosing with psychedelics keeps growing. As an alternative to common antidepressants and other means of curing symptoms such as depression and addictions, this product of Mother Nature is a rewarding solution for many. Of course, the use of psilocybin as a therapeutic aid is entirely at your own risk! Therefore, take responsibility and inform yourself well about wise use of this entheogen, which has been used by humans for thousands of years to connect with the divine and grow. For questions about our FreshUp Microdosing products and how to use them, don't hesitate to contact our customer service team.
Blog photo: Bartholomeus Spranger - The Body of Christ Supported by Angels
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